Cultura + Social

In collaboration with:

Cultura + Social (C+S) is a collective impact platform promoted and coordinated by Adonar that aims to achieve a more inclusive culture in the Valencian Community, which favors a more cohesive and resilient community. C+S is constituted as the central initiative or frame of reference from which different actions are deployed and developed aimed at fulfilling our purpose.
Under the premise that the development of a more social culture is not achieved spontaneously, but depends to a great extent on the opportunities for dialogue, planning and action of the cultural and social agents of the Valencian Community, the actions framed in this initiative are focused on the participatory construction of tools, the generation and dissemination of information, and the strengthening of capacities for the social transformation of cultural and social agents.
In 2021 we published the first participatory diagnosis on inclusive culture in the Valencian Community, the product of dialogue and meetings with more than 90 cultural and social agents from the public and private spheres.
The objective of the diagnosis was to analyze the current situation in terms of cultural inclusion, as well as to generate common definitions and identify the main challenges, problems and opportunities to generate a more inclusive culture in the Valencian Community.
In this scenario, the study carried out made it possible to outline a common intervention agenda to generate the expected transformations as well as open the doors to consolidating a driving force for the initiative based on multi-stakeholder dialogue, planning and collective action.
The project continues to develop tools, dissemination and awareness materials, analysis and publication of experiences and methodologies that make it possible to bring culture closer to various groups as well as strengthen the capacities of the cultural sector to generate social impact.

Cultura + Social
Cultura + Social (C+S) is a collective impact platform promoted and coordinated by Adonar that aims to achieve a more inclusive culture in the Valencian Community, which favors a more cohesive and resilient community. C+S is constituted as the central initiative or frame of reference from which different actions are deployed and developed aimed at fulfilling our purpose.
Under the premise that the development of a more social culture is not achieved spontaneously, but depends to a great extent on the opportunities for dialogue, planning and action of the cultural and social agents of the Valencian Community, the actions framed in this initiative are focused on the participatory construction of tools, the generation and dissemination of information, and the strengthening of capacities for the social transformation of cultural and social agents.
In 2021 we published the first participatory diagnosis on inclusive culture in the Valencian Community, the product of dialogue and meetings with more than 90 cultural and social agents from the public and private spheres.
The objective of the diagnosis was to analyze the current situation in terms of cultural inclusion, as well as to generate common definitions and identify the main challenges, problems and opportunities to generate a more inclusive culture in the Valencian Community.
In this scenario, the study carried out made it possible to outline a common intervention agenda to generate the expected transformations as well as open the doors to consolidating a driving force for the initiative based on multi-stakeholder dialogue, planning and collective action.
The project continues to develop tools, dissemination and awareness materials, analysis and publication of experiences and methodologies that make it possible to bring culture closer to various groups as well as strengthen the capacities of the cultural sector to generate social impact.
In collaboration with: