The City of Women


Generalitat Valenciana - Vicepresidència i Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusives, Unitat d’Igualtat Marítim, Biblioteca de la Dona, Diputació de València, Festinar, Ateneo Marítimo Valencia, Associació Veïnes i Veïns Cabanyal-Canyamelar, Casa Cabanyal.
“La Ciudad de las Mujeres” had the objective of rethinking and giving new meaning to the city of Valencia based on the reconstruction of the city map where each neighborhood was represented by the name of an important woman in local history. From a cultural and artistic proposal and the use of participatory methodologies, it was also sought to open the window to other women who currently enrich the culture of the city.
The project had a pilot phase in the Cabanyal neighborhood, and had 4 stages: In context, In contact, In action, In conclusion. During these, 7 participatory meetings were held to promote reflection and collective artistic creation in connection with the work and life of María Cambrils.
The project has made it possible to make visible María Cambrils and other women in the same field who currently continue to promote gender equality. As a result, 68 people were sensitized and 22 social and cultural resources and entities from the Cabanyal-Canyamelar neighborhood expanded their links with each other. Likewise, a systematization of the initiative was developed and dissemination materials were prepared in different formats to enable the replication of both the project and the information and creations of María Cambrils.
Among these results, Adonar makes available to entities and groups the materials that allow the replicability of the project in other territories and women linked to them, thereby enabling the transfer of knowledge and learning.

The City of Women
“La Ciudad de las Mujeres” had the objective of rethinking and giving new meaning to the city of Valencia based on the reconstruction of the city map where each neighborhood was represented by the name of an important woman in local history. From a cultural and artistic proposal and the use of participatory methodologies, it was also sought to open the window to other women who currently enrich the culture of the city.
The project had a pilot phase in the Cabanyal neighborhood, and had 4 stages: In context, In contact, In action, In conclusion. During these, 7 participatory meetings were held to promote reflection and collective artistic creation in connection with the work and life of María Cambrils.
The project has made it possible to make visible María Cambrils and other women in the same field who currently continue to promote gender equality. As a result, 68 people were sensitized and 22 social and cultural resources and entities from the Cabanyal-Canyamelar neighborhood expanded their links with each other. Likewise, a systematization of the initiative was developed and dissemination materials were prepared in different formats to enable the replication of both the project and the information and creations of María Cambrils.
Among these results, Adonar makes available to entities and groups the materials that allow the replicability of the project in other territories and women linked to them, thereby enabling the transfer of knowledge and learning.

Generalitat Valenciana - Vicepresidència i Conselleria d’Igualtat i Polítiques Inclusives, Unitat d’Igualtat Marítim, Biblioteca de la Dona, Diputació de València, Festinar, Ateneo Marítimo Valencia, Associació Veïnes i Veïns Cabanyal-Canyamelar, Casa Cabanyal.